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Cities & Places Word Search
Do you love to travel? Like adventures? Go places and learn all about the new ones? If you said yes to any of these, you need to try these Cities and Place Word Searches. You will find word searches about some of the world's most amazing cities and places. From Paris to Rome to New York City, famous US cities and monuments, you will find some fun puzzles in this collection. Let's test your knowledge and see how much you have already explored and how much you need to explore more! Download and print these puzzles or play online!
pompeii, tuscany, sicily, florence, cinqueterre, vino, colosseum, naples, capriisland, rome, trevifountain, vaticancity, milan, espresso, pizza, …
liberty, enlightening, torch, new york, gift, harbor, symbol, beacon, copper, neoclassical, lady, crown, icon, freedom, immigration, ellis island, …
bridge, truss, suspension, arch, beam, abutments, triangles, cables, towers, balance, force, piers
albania, andorra, austria, belarus, belgium, bulgaria, croatia, czech republic, denmark, estonia, finland, france, germany, greece, holy see
phoenix, houston, new york, detroit, portland, charlotte, dayton, columbus, chicago, miami, san jose, tacoma, seattle, nashville, las vegas, buffalo, …
liveability, involvement, cinemas, services, transport, environment, social, emergency, facilities, churches, accessibility, community, isolation, …
graceland, lorraine, sun records, tennessee, ethan, corkys, elvis, rhodes, soul fish, peabody, terry, fedex, jude, granny, adam, mississippi, music, …
church, airport, car park, museum, shopping centre, town hall, hotel, library, zoo, square, cinema, hospital, train station, park, bank, bus station, …
approaches, warrior, authoritarian, democracy, athens, greek, listeners, culture, city, education, brawn, society, sparta, brain, states, citizen
pisa tower, kremlin, acropolis, parthenon, notre dame, great wall, colosseum, red square, sydney opera, petra, pyramids, mount rushmore, alhambra, …
primary, council, stockade, citizen, urban, mission, viceroy, province, basins, canal, century, decade, plateau, tepees, climate, relative, republic, …
cafe, college, university, police station, office, restaurant, house, nightclub, hospital, school, bar, airport, shop, salon, music venue, factory
italy, castles, livorno, volterra, pisa, pienza, pitti palace, grosseto, siena, florence, olive oil, chiusi, truffles, uffizi, wine, lucca
manitoba, saskatchewan, alberta, ontario, british columbia, yukon, newfoundland, nova scotia, northwest terr, quebec, new brunswick, prince edward …
oil rigs, cherokee, ozarks, rose rock, agriculture, panhandle, land run, choctaw, great plains, dust bowl, tulsa, pioneers, bison, antelope, tornado, …
orlando, men in black, roller coaster, super nintendo world, marvel island, wizarding world, transformers, velocicoaster, volcano bay, the mummy, fast …
hamilton, the maisonette, ault park, coney island, goetta, ohio, skywalk, baseball, carew tower, licking river, usa, pnc tower, scripps center, …
police station, hospital, airport, shop, house, music venue, cafe, university, bar, college, salon, office, school, nightclub, factory, restaurant
chinatown, broadway, skyscrapers, hudson river, manhattan, queens, wall street, little italy, ellis island, central park, big apple, bridge, ground …
katajjaq, tundra, inuksuk, inuit, hudson bay, james bay, arviat, arctic, polar, ungava bay, eureka, north, alert, rankin inlet, iqaluit, indigenous
freeze, hot tub, igloo, arctic, nature, moose, solitude, daylight, mush, crab, adventure, pipeline, yukon, north pole, cold, juneau, polar bear, …
library, laundry, street, stationary, school, supermarket, museum, park, hospital, fire station, bank, bakery, restaurant, church, stadium, cinema
maple, hockey, snow, moose, mountie, maple syrup, poutine, beaver, nanaimo bars, niagara falls, tim hortons, canoe, polar bears, rocky mountains, …
london, edinburgh, liverpool, manchester, birmingham, oxford, cambridge, sheffield, stonehenge, windsor castle, lake district, tower of london, …
nob hill, coit tower, union square, mission district, presidio, golden gate, market street, bridges, painted ladies, cable cars, fishermans, alcatraz, …
secret service, president, pool, bowling, elevator, vice president, office, tennis, united states, first lady, security, white house, washington dc, …
bahamas, cuba, grand cayman, haiti, puerto rico, st thomas, aruba, bonaire, curacao, jamaica, costa rica, mexico, belize, honduras, guatemala, …
foodie, rain, pubs, thames, camden market, high tea, cockney, trafalgar, greenwich, underground, wimbledon, fish n chips, harry potter, hyde park, …
mocking bird, iris, graceland, southeast, bristol, memphis, whisky, nashville, appalachia, soul, blues, agriculture, rock, forge, knoxville, volunteer
liberty bell, pennsylvania, hoagie, fairmount, city, rocky, county, scrapple, orchestra, row houses, public art, pretzel, parkelyers, eagles, zoo, …
How to download Cities and Place Word Search Puzzle?
- Click on any of the Cities and Places word search puzzles.
- Print or download on letter-size paper or A-sized paper.
- You also have the option to play online. Just click on the "Play Online" button.
How to Edit Cities and Places word search puzzles?
You can create your own Cities and Places word search puzzles, click on the "Edit" button. You can edit the title, header, font style, words list, grid size, difficulty level, and border style.