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Arts & Crafts Word Search
Looking for a word search that's fun and educational? Check out our Arts and Crafts Word Search Puzzles. These puzzles include words related to different types of arts and crafts. From Fabrics and Sewing to Photography and Printing, this word search has it all. Download, print, and see how many arts and crafts-related words you can find.
almond, apricot, black, blue bell, cadet blue, corn flower, denim, eggplant, fern, forest green, gold, lemon yellow, maize, melon, mulberry, navy …
tint, straight, shape, shade, primary, positive, geometric, value, line, color, organic, zigzag, form, secondary, tertiary, tone, circle, negative, …
kehinde wiley, georgia okeeffe, jacob lawrence, claude monet, piet mondrian, rene magritte, gustav klimt, mc escher, henri matisse, diego rivera, joan …
pink, black, orange, blue, magic, violet, yellow, indigo, purple, brush, green, white, artist, red, paint
typing, writing, photography, carpentry, cooking, painting, quilting, storytelling, crocheting, baking, sewing, filming, embroidery, speaking, …
crayon, shape, charcoal, sketch, textiles, mosaic, palette, border, easel, picture, artist, innovation, cartoon, fresco, montage, technique
album, forgery, classic, gutter, local, emissions, postage, philately, airmail, envelope, post office, postmark, hand stamp, jubilee, catalogue, face, …
stickers, pottery, books, antiques, paintings, money, coins, plates, jewelry, dolls, souvenirs, buttons, magazine, stamps, marbles, photographs
yardage, batting, bias, long arm, template, fat quarter, border, selvage, layer cake, grain, charm pack, stash, quilt backing, warp, quilt binding, …
gloomy, invisible, realistic, light, surprising, colorful, dark, cheerful, bright, imaginative, dull, ordinary
character, realism, expression, pose, features, symbolism, artistry, commission, subject, likeness, portraitist, masterpiece, glamour, photography, …
cording, patterns, mosaic, design, fabric, thread, handmade, flowers, swatch, dew, trapunto, layers, hearts, quilting, backing, yarn, creative, …
modern, colonial, rotunda, gable, craftsman, column, blueprints, mid century, cape cod, bungalow, basilica, scale model, tudor, cornice, dormer, arch
sphere, square, black, oval, indigo, green, pentagon, orange, silver, diamond, rectangle, prism, ivory, circle, lavender, beige, triangle, violet, …
periwinkle, plum, coral, indigo, amethyst, ruby, turquoise, cobalt, sapphire, marigold, crimson, lilac, jade, gold, citrine, fuchsia, tangerine, aqua, …
The purpose of photography is to communicate and document moments in time.
mosaics, monuments, roman art, historical art, rituals, greek art, architecture, temples, tombs, frescoes, epic narratives, archaeology, sculpture, …
emu, spear, snack, star, meeting place, man, sand hill, woman, campsite, waterhole, boomerang, animal tracks, cloud, clapping sticks, nest, bush berry
charcoal, layers, highlight, wash, observation, pigment, chalk, gradient, texture, blending, paper, ink, pastel, smooth, shadow, graphite, pencil, …
feel, tactile, smoothness, nap, sensation, impasto, surface, finish, roughness, grain, touch, haptic, fibers, brushstroke, softness, pattern, weave, …
contrast, realism, sculpture, shape, emphasis, abstract, balance, line, painting, movement, idealism, medium, primary, portraits, texture, tertiary, …
design, base, molding, shape, joining, cubism, memorial, acid bath, alloy, figurine, hammer, assemblage, clay, model, weld, mannequin, additive, …
List of various categories of handicrafts.
ocean, admiral, spruce, navy, capri, sky, azure, sapphire, carolina, aegean, peacock, stone, dodger, cyan, cerulean, iris, denim, columbia, …
Sewing is the craft of fastening or attaching objects using stitches made with a sewing needle and thread.
creative, walls, ambience, paint, styles, technical, decals, furniture, design, taste, art, lighting, structure, scheme, space, decoration
cake, treble, puff, bobbin, lace, toque, increase, reverse, wool, trim, magic ring, double, hairpin, design, back post, hook, tapestry, swift, …
create, accessory, fabric, finish, yarn, machine, fiber, thread, edges, bobbin, craft, felt, knit, weave, spin, needle, embroider, sewing, quilt, kits
markers, oil pastels, yarn, calk, pens, pastels, string, paint, beads, fabric, water colors, clay, glue stick, ribbons, acrylic paint, wool felt, …
score, wheel throwing, slip, slab, pinch pots, clay, pottery, leather hard, coils, hand building, low fire, bisqueware, bone dry, ceramics, raku, …
How to Download Arts & Crafts Word Search Puzzle?
- Click on any of the Arts & Crafts Word Search Puzzles.
- Print or download on letter-size paper or A-sized paper.
- You also have the option to play online. Just click on the "Play Online" button.
How to Edit Arts & Crafts Word Search Puzzles?
You can create your own Arts and Crafts word search puzzles, click on the "Edit" button. You can edit the title, header, font style, words list, grid size, difficulty level, and border style.