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News & Media Word Search
Expand your vocabulary in an entertaining and educational way with our free printable news & media word search puzzles! Whether you're interested in keeping up with the latest news, learning about the different types of media, brushing up on press conference vocabulary, understanding advertising terminology, or simply becoming more familiar with newspaper words and phrases, these puzzles provide a great resource.
fashion, sport, weather, politics, science, movies, headlines, crime, news flash, money, business, travel, health, media, celebrities, entertainment
section, caption, entertainment, sports, business, lead, local, headline, hard news, soft news, layout, print news, byline, column, masthead, …
campaign, keywords, research, promotion, placement, agency, tagline, selling, billboard, direct, social media, marketing, channels, advertise, …
index, when, facts, layout, byline, information, lead, cover, column, opinion, caption, why, graphic, editor, print, quote, what, advertisement, who, …
details, quote, caption, hard news, lead, headline, how, photo, what, where, soft news, masthead, when, why, by line, who
sponsored content, clickbait, disinformation, inform, date, motivation, click restraint, byline, misinformation, article, podcast, radio, bias, …
cut line, byline, masthead, caption, jump line, classified ad, index, lead photo, lead, headline, dateline, graphic, lead story, column, wire story, …
inserts, comic, editor, sport, cover, columnist, report, byline, circulation, front page, lead story, press, newsprint, crossword, letters, cartoon
inclusive, opinion, emotive, article, broadcaster, statistics, journal, byline, headline, textual, advertisement, statement, facts, political, …
tabloid, cartooning, paparazzi, journalist, periodical, headline, publishing, activism, editorial, layout, gazette, bias, photojournalism, broadsheet, …
the cold war, civil rights act, john f kennedy, cuban missiles, the bay of pigs, martin l king, i have a dream, vietnam war, protests, first super …
times, print, press, post, journalism, article, deadline, opinion, reporter, column, editor, crossword, circulation, daily news, headline
animated, mystery, romance, comedy, sport, musical, thriller, historical, war, drama, western, action, horror, science fiction, fantasy
censorship, digitalization, discourse, intertextuality, surveillance, decoding, vlogging, ethnography, memes, audience, hegemony, semiotics, …
presentation, daily mirror, layout, stereotype, the sun, information, observer, metro, image, masthead, red top, the times, event, headline, press
internet, news anchor, digital, journalism, technical writer, analysis, producer, news, broadcasting, newspaper, television, reporter, business, …
quotes, answer, acknowledge, coverage, address, inquire, announce, ask, news, explain, speak, issues, print, television, reporter, candidate, …
feature, article, byline, columns, anecdotes, hyperbole, repetition, rhetorical question, headline, captions, image, inclusive, language, puns, …
celebrity, poster, message, radio, newspaper, magazine, online, billboard, slogan, display, logo, flyer, commercial, tv, ad, banner, media, headline, …
vlogging, webinar, vitality, surveillance, memes, digitilization, clickbait, infotainment, remediation, decoding, audiences, framing, semiotics, …
daily press, daily news, la opinion, independent, pinnacle, la prensa, daily breeze, malibu times, galt herald, metro, the tribune, reporter, argus, …
How to download News and Media Word Search Puzzle?
- Click on any of the Word Search Puzzles.
- Print or download on letter-size paper or A4 size paper.
- You also have the option to play online. Just click on the "Play Online" button.
How to Edit News & Media word search puzzles?
You can create your own News Word Search Puzzles, click on the "Edit" button. You can edit the title, header, font style, words list, grid size, difficulty level, and border style.