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Kids Word Search
Kids word search puzzles include words from all sorts of different types of rhymes, back to school, bedtime stories. From babies to toddlers to preteens, this word search is perfect for all. Download and print it now to see how many words you can find in these 15x15 grid word searches.
week , weekend, wednesday, days, holiday, tuesday, friday, monday, sunday, saturday, thursday, weekday
rattrap, cheetor, nightscream, rhinox, silverbolt, botanica, megatron, jetstorm, tankor, thrust, obsidian, strika, waspinator, oracle, savage noble, …
backpack, highlighter, sharpener, scissors, markers, ruler, map, chair, whiteboard, calculator, hallway, pencil, book, classroom, trash, school, …
1725, 3975, 9146, 6811, 4978, 8805, 9610, 5874, 5009, 7603, 3931, 2866, 8538, 7704, 3268, 4777, 1193, 3392, 8579, 3666
amener, aporter, baskets, blouson, bootverbs, bottes, casquette, chapeau, chaussures, chemise, costume, cravate, japorte, jeans, jupe, manteau, polo, …
sizes, creative, building, mini figure, characters, duplex, set, shapes, stud, piece, brand, construction, colorful, play, creation, fun, toy, legos, …
straight, rain, hey, vein, brake, complain, escape, weight, play, plate, eighty, skate, trade, plane, take, break, tale, neighbor, train, brain, rail, …
Word search terms related to happy potter series.
Theodor Seuss Geisel was an American children's author, political cartoonist, illustrator, poet, animator, and filmmaker.
piano, marbles, electronic, playdoh, teddy bear, basketball, puzzles, doll, frisbee, cars, yoyo, whistle, barbie, bike, bubbles, pogo stick, drums, …
Download Fairy Tales Word Search. Find the list of fairy tale characters from children's books or Disney animation movies.
apples, ice cream, chocolate, pizza, spinach, salami, cake, macaroni, burger, ravioli, falafel, soup
bouche, bras, cou, doigts, gorge, nez, oreille, pieds, tete, yeux
pop eye, the mighty heroes, the flintstones, the jetsons, bugs bunny show, the alvin show, courageous cat, bullwinkle, magilla gorilla, astro boy, …
deposition, melting, condensation, change, fog, evaporation, chemical, steam, phase, cooling, matter, sublimation, freezing, state, dissipate, vapor, …
classroom, teacher, students, learning, education, homework, books, desks, whiteboard, chalkboard, pencils, pens, backpacks, lockers, school bus, …
rafiki, mufasa, sarabi, scar, simba, nala, sarafina, banzai, shenzi, ed, hyenas, timon, pumbaa, pride lands, pride rock, circle of life
basketball, laugh, rungs, tag, classmates, slide, monkey bars, dodge ball, friends, line, catch, jungle gym, swing set, run, teacher, swings
number, jump, favorite, look, when, some, down, your, make, funny, here, because
reflector, rumble, mirage, robots, jazz, laserbeak, bumblebee, prowl, animation, huffer, gears, cliffjumper, bluestreak, hound, giant, brawn
norty, phonics, nephew, phull, food, screw, spelling, fork, elephant, full, horse, consonants, digraphs, blends, naughty, analytic, nephoo, phaurk, …
mist, fades, blue, vanishes, circle, after rain, reflection, angles, red, yellow, arch, beautiful, prism, green, rain drops, brilliant, sky, bivgyor, …
kickball, walk, camp, jump rope, tag, football, hike, snow ski, sledding, bike, run, volleyball, baseball, boating, playground, swim
maths, history, english, drama, business, medical, language, engineering, geography, science, art, music, sports, media, french, catering
lite brite, spirograph, gi joes, pogs, jacks, tinker toys, koosh balls, wiffle ball, barbie, simon, rubiks cube, troll dolls, hot wheels, he man, skip …
gimmick, crimp, invisible, subtlety, mechanic, patter, palm, pledge, force, effects, load, hocus pocus, conjurer, wand, misdirect, juggler, card …
thick, chap, chick, chat, them, shop, cheese, she, that, ship, those, thing, sheep, chin, the
Word search based on the 1980s popular comic show He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.
silver, matilda, red, video game, terence, finnish, chuck, stella, chick, boomerang, bubbles, birds, king pig, luca, dahlia, poppy
fastest, mouse, tail, lion, smallest, strongest, safe, teeth, stronger, caught, help, ropes, chewed, little, became, friends
How to download Kids Word Search Puzzle?
- Click on any of the Kids word search puzzles.
- Print or download on letter-size paper or A4 size paper.
- You also have the option to play online. Just click on the "Play Online" button.
How to Edit Kids' word search puzzles?
You can create your own kids word search puzzles, click on the "Edit" button. You can edit the title, header, font style, words list, grid size, difficulty level, and border style.