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Books & Literature Word Search
Are you a book lover? If you love books, you will enjoy these Books word search puzzles. No matter who your favorite author is, or which story you liked the best, you will look forward to doing these Word Searches. You have to search for words from some of the world's most beloved and popular books. From Sherlock Holmes to Twelfth Night, this word search has a huge collection of popular books and related words. Download and see how many book-related words you can find.
jonah and whale, creation, nativity, wise men, josephs coat, burning bush, last supper, resurrection, crucifixion, david and goliath, noah's ark, adam …
isaiah, zephaniah, habakkuk, ezekiel, haggai, obadiah, jonah, malachi, micah, joel, jeremiah, hosea, daniel, amos, nahum, zechariah
farmer, shore, crop, sow, boat, crowds, seed, rocky, path, jesus, plants, parable, ears, thorns, shallow, birds
gospel, matthew, mark, luke, john, acts, romans, first, second, galatians, ephesians, timothy, titus, philemon, hebrews, james, peter, third, jude, …
Theodor Seuss Geisel was an American children's author, political cartoonist, illustrator, poet, animator, and filmmaker.
metaphor, language, alliteration, onomatopoeia, prose, free, scheme, poetry, simile, verse, poem, rhyme, figurative, sound, device
novel, phonemic, shelf, peruse, audio, symbol, horror, text, language, literature, mystery, fluency, poetry, dialogue, vocabulary, science, library, …
glasses, documents, newspapers, dvds, customer, bookmark, desk, pencil, computer, printer, database, silence, librarian, maps, books, manuscripts
dictionary, humor, dystopian, manga, genre, fantasy, comedy, shakespeare, book bingo, horror, reading, adventure, poetry, books, library, fiction
darkness, solve, spy, skilled, spy glass, action, swift, covert, back alley, government, sly, mystery, identity, crept, double life, thriller, clues, …
arrow, little bear , brothers, horse, iroquois, fire, plastic toy, magical, army medic, five nations, fight, key, bright stars, longhouse, cupboard, …
corpse, decay, death, heartbeat, abandoned, suspense, castles, murder, forests, emotions, gothic, obsession, ghosts, werewolves, psychology, …
minnie, phillips, gilbert, prissy, barry, josie, muriel, charlie, ruby, anne, john, thomas, matthew, diana, rachel, bentley
credit union, checking, goal, bankruptcy, withdrawal, loan, savings, wants, mortgage, deposit, invest, refinance, banking, needs, bonds, interest
side bar, heading, labels, text, graphs, bullet points, title, photograph, index, diagram, map, contents, italics, bold print, illustration, read, …
comedy, drama, historical, dystopian, adventure, fantasy, science fiction, horror, classics, romance, mystery, thriller
manipulate, scapegoat, totalitarianism, oligarchy, exploit, cynical, propaganda, dictatorship, dissent, corruption, comrade, subjugate, autocratic, …
second, fiction, nonfiction, character, perspective, seuss, dictionary, literature, omniscient, soft skills, limited, movies, third, narrative, …
biography, journalism, memoir, detective, fantasy, autobiography, romance, speech, science fiction, gothic, poetry, adventure, fiction, non-fiction, …
philosophy , science , history , florence , durer , erasmus , david , copernicus , literature , architecture , music , europe , art , humanism , …
ares, argo ll, piper, percy, chiron, bluefood, hera, annabeth, grover, leo, jason, bigthree, frank, persassy, demeter, octavian, olympus, zeus, hazel, …
senses, nouns, feeling, adverbs, metaphor, dialogue, simile, colour, sight, taste, adjectives, smell, characters, hearing, structure, climax point, …
storytelling, poetic elements, lyric, observation, plot development, narrative, narrator, imagery, versatility, subjectivity, contemplative, verse …
fastest, mouse, tail, lion, smallest, strongest, safe, teeth, stronger, caught, help, ropes, chewed, little, became, friends
confident, smart, dough, cookie, butterflies, accomplished, mesmerized, poem, cakewalk, homework, creative, bakery
gender queer, scarlet letter, flamer, lolita, kite runner, moby dick, lawn boy, goosebumps, trick, lord of the rings, catcher in the rye, the hate u …
dog, aunt alexandra, overalls, mayella, pants, atticus, tom robinson, miss caroline, pocket watch, gum, bob ewell, boo radley, maycomb, calpurnia, …
metaphor, personification, assonance, simile, stanza, rhythm, enjambment, repetition, alliteration, rhyme, syllable, tone, imagery, onomatopoeia, …
tragedy, capulet, peter, paris, feud, gregory, montague, nurse, play, abram, verona, rosaline, tybalt, romeo, sampson, juliet
anecdotes, family, success, personal journey, documentary, accomplishments, memoir, iconic, achievements, influence, legacy, history, adversity, life …
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