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Books & Literature Word Search
Free printable books word search puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own word search using our word search maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
lyrical, whimsy, ethereal, enchanting, metaphor, verse, rhapsody, eloquent, melancholy, soliloquy, haunting, muse, sonnet, serenade, harmony
plot, character, narrator, climax, resolution, suspense, action, author, illustrator, graphic novel, series, setting
race, swift, nap, awakes, run, trickery, ingenuity, idleness, perseverance, fable, arrogant, hare, overconfident, lesson, ability, tortoise, steady, …
synecdoche, alliteration, irony, assonance, oxymoron, simile, personification, hyperbole, euphemism, anaphora, onomatopoeia, metaphor
diffidently, decorum, sough, mucking, tempestously, expansively, indigo, apex, incredulity, mimicry, lamentation, discursive, emphatic, effigy, …
juicy, reach, pretending, care, frustrated, grapes, fox, delicious, summer, jumped, sour, vine, forest, tried, hungry, tired
sherlock, detective, clues, evidence, alibi, suspect, witness, crime, scene, puzzle, escape, riddle, secret, spy, code, truth
jump at it, speak out, honor yourself, keep going, fight on, free yourself, dream big, go home, dont stop, be kind, by any means, dream on, jump up, …
cards, bible, anselm, shoe, connect, notes, faith, pencil, dualist, creed, whiteboard, aquinas, reader, modernist, table, existence, metaphysical, …
figurative language, reason, alliteration, bias, pronouns, repetition, connotation, emotion, generalization, assertion, adjectives, anecdotes, jargon, …
hanzi, tifinagh, syriac, phoenician, georgian, hangul, hebrew, cyrillic, latin, greek, aramaic, ethiopic, thaana, armenian, kana, kanji, ugaritic, …
simile, onomatopoeia, rhyme, rhythm, blank, verse, couplet, metaphor, juxtaposition, hyperbole, imagery, repetition, alliteration, assonance, mood, …
action, afrofuturism, climate fiction, cooking, dystopian, essay, fantasy, flash fiction, graphic novel, horror, humor, lgbtq, magical realism, …
novel, poem, fiction, nonfiction, mystery, fantasy, romance, thriller, biography, autobiography, classic, drama, comedy, tragedy, adventure, fairy …
mccrae, gibson, kinsella, hadfield, mowat, moodie, mcclung, munro, findley, berton, ondaatje, van camp, gallant, urquhart, musgrave, wagamese, martel, …
gripping, suspense, romance, book one, walker, ranch, jackson, undercover, dea agent, bailey, bookkeeper, drug ring, ski mask, surgeon, hidden, …
addie earhart , across the desert , hot , crash , sweat , marty , jolene , desert aviator , canyon , ultralight , plane , phone , engine , explore , …