Physics Word Search

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Thermal Energy

molecule, dependent, model, control, transparent, reflected, mean, absorption, insulated, conduction, system, heat, light, temperature, thermal, open …

Static Electricity

static, electricity, negative, positive, attract, forces, repel, balloon, science, physics, hovering, tissue, experiment, magnets, charge

Structure of an Atom

orbits, neutron, negative, period, electron, charge, symbol, proton, positive, number, atom, neutral, group, mass, atomic, nucleus

Science: Forces

distance, pulleys, accelerate, friction, fast, gears, stop, fair test, brake, predict, force, push force, slow, spin, speed, gear, gravity, spring, …


amplitude, volume, oscillation, compression, pitch, trough, transfer, frequency, longitudinal, peak, wave, energy, wavelength, transverse, rarefaction

Sources of Light

red, artificial, blue, orange, indigo, yellow, green, star, candle, natural, night, rainbow, day, sun, violet, lamp

Stars, Galaxies, Universe

universe, scientific, black hole, protostar, spectrum, observatory, nebula, spectrograph, main sequence, neutron star, parallax, pulsar, supernova, …

Space and the Big Bang

doppler, moon, venus, microwave, stars, expansion, jupiter, nebulae, neptune, galaxy, planets, satellite, mercury, pluto, mars, saturn, earth, …

Stars of the Galaxy

proxima centauri, mira, canopus, antares, sun, sirius a, rigel, bellatrix, alpha centauri, spica, betelgeuse, capella, regulus, aldebaran, deneb, …


zaniah, bellatrix, procyon, diadem, capella, rana, regulus, acrux, vega, polaris, betelgeuse, pollux, castor, rigel, canopus, sirius


formula, length, protractor, centimeter, calculation, inch, triangle, quantitative, height, ruler, angle, meter, diameter, base, measurement, …

Electricity and Magnetism

magnetic domain, electric current, magnetic field, series circuit, generator, electric power, conductor, voltage, resistance, insulator, electric …

Celestial Objects

sun, titan, asteroid, mercury, venus, moon, callisto, deimos, charon, pluto, triton, comet, ganymede, uranus, phobos, jupiter, earth, neptune, saturn, …