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Safety & Prevention Word Search
Free printable safety word search puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own word search using our word search maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
alarm, careful, chemical, danger, emergency, evacuation, fall, fire drill, first aid, gloves, hazard, housekeeping, incident report, ladder, safety, …
complete circuit, hazard, arc flash, trip hazard, insulation, lock out tag out, current, short, grounded, caution, voltage, extension cord
training, unsafe, aston martin, chemicals, responsibility, near miss, accident, warning, first aid, danger, risks, hazards, evacuation, ppe, spillage, …
lock, stranger, danger, observant, safety, personal, awareness, instincts, caution, help, judgement, details, emergency, protect, surroundings
antibullying, prevent, helping, scared, yukky, cyberbully, repetitive, protect, hurtful, stop, brave, purposeful, verbal, physical, continuous, …
claw, nonslip mat, scrap bowl, accident, clean, oven mitt, burn, jewellery, hairnet, ppe, jumper, report, hazard, soapy, apron, enclosed shoes, …
minimal jewelry, face shield, neoprene, goggles, eye wash, dissections, aprons, gloves, heat, no loose clothes, broken glass, respiratory mask, long …
seatbelt, glasses, first aid, boots, vest, cones, defensive, hardhat, hazard, ergonomic, ladder, secure, prepare, reflective, gloves, awareness, …
goggles, safety switch, clear zone, follow rules, gloves, close drawers, hair tie, walk, turn off, first aid, rest, supervision, guard, apron, wires …
red, whistle, speed limit, yield, stop, green, construction, look, signals, railroad, school zone, listen, walk, cross walk, bridge, policeman
safety pin, face mask, eyewash, tissues, aspirin, spirit, cotton swab, gloves, fabric strips, gauze, eye pad, bandage, thermometer, tape, wipes, …
freezing, hat, coats, icy, slips, free hands, startup, frost, steam, temperature, exposure, blankets, trips, defroster, tire pressure, salt, falls, …
pavement, traffic warden, traffic lights, traffic sign, parking zone, zebra crossing, yellow lines, lean, seat belt, driver, both ways, kerb, bike …
mark, nurse, labeled, hand hygiene, gloves, blood, med records, alarm fatigue, error, near miss, rl solutions, exposure, timeout, splash, identifiers, …
masks, viruses, germs, disinfect, visitation, outbreak, handwashing, isolation, gowns, quarantine, gloves, influenza, immunization, prevention, …
death, gps, alert, responsibility, cognitive, laws, talking, texting, attention, reaction, visual, passanger, radio, vehicle, prevent, driving, stop, …
guards, prevention, awareness, degloving, impact, cut resistant, pinch point, compliance, hazards, gloves, caught between, vibration, ppe, heavy, …
firewall, precautions, fraudulent, virus, antivirus, deceptive, spyware, spam, domain name, incoming, ransomware, warning, software, content, …
siren, evacuate, plan, prevention, exit, smoke, detector, flammable, extinguisher, alarm, escape, emergency
mold, handwashing, allergen, hazard, labels, metal detector, traceability, danger zone, growth, bacteria, use by date, spores, contamination, hair …
batteries, blanket, book, cash, cloths, crayons, first aid, flashlight, food, granola bars, toothbrush, toothpaste, prepare, plan, radio, talk, water
lights, truck, station, drills, oxygen, safety, boots, heros, wheels, tank, water, helmet, siren, kameron, cheif, bell, hose, ladder, fire, alarm
fear, wildfire, deadly, jeep, survival, escape, intense, teamwork, timberland, summer camp, smoke, lever, arson, addiction, heat, drought, forest, …
antivirus, privacy, passwords, trolls, technology, spam, internet, phishing, online, virus, dangerous , private, stranger, cyberbully, trust, …
atm distraction, charities, cloning, computer virus, cookies, data breach, eavesdropping, fraud, gift cards, government, grandparent, hackers, …
attention, fall, tools, working, aware, equipment, slip, serious, workplace, fix, consequences, laceration, harm, trip, ladder, inspect, injury, …
first, fire, responder, extinguish, hero, caution, alarm, firefighter, evacuate, danger, water, emergency, brave, rescue, flame, helpful
green zone, cpr, first aid, slip, trip, speak up, safety team, team lift, spill station, code white, code yellow, hazard, fire drill, steel toes, …
bump, wellness, sprain, scrape, sore, heat, band aid, strain, cut, first aid, ice, bruise, swelling, muscle, ibuprofen
influenza, infection, bacteria, disinfection, mask, aseptic, gloves, swab, septic, handgel, antibiotic, microorganism, plague, sterilization, …
How to download Safety & Prevention Word Search Puzzle?
- Click on any of the Word Search Puzzles from the list.
- Print or download on letter-size paper or A4 size paper.
- You also have the option to play online. Just click on the "Play Online" button.
How to Edit Word Search Puzzles?
To edit the Safety & Prevention Word Search Puzzles, click on the "Edit" button. You can edit the title, header, font style, words list, grid size, difficulty level, and border style.