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Electronics & Electrical Word Search
Learn more about electricity and electronics with our free printable electronics and electrical word search puzzles. These puzzles help with vocabulary acquisition by offering clues for terms related to electric motors, circuitry, fiber optics, and safety precaution. These are also a great way for adults and kids to develop their knowledge in this field.
ampere, atoms, induction, volts, current, motor, micro, mega, joules, ohms, static, amps, shock, cable, shell, copper, charges, wire, voltage, kilo
copper, light, buzzer, connector, metal, water, socket, plug, parallel, bulb, cell, conductor, simple, zap, insulator, switch, rubber, battery, …
phones, devices, laptops, watches, computers, headphones, speakers, consoles, drones, trackers, readers, vr gear, earbuds, banks, assistants, gadgets, …
electric circuit, cell, electricity, transformers, circuit, power, alternating, battery, wattage, current, watt, short circuit, charged, voltage, …
complete circuit, hazard, arc flash, trip hazard, insulation, lock out tag out, current, short, grounded, caution, voltage, extension cord
wire, electron, battery, electricity, voltmeter, switch, component, volts, terminal, parallel, positive, series, voltage, conductor, current, …
open circuit , components , batteries , electricity , resistance , connection , data , short circuit , appliances , flashlight bulb , television , …
neutral, solid wire, ground, atoms, blueprint, non metallic, hot wire, battery, conduit, load center, service wires, watts, single pole, stranded …
gps, joystick, game console, smart tv, printer, smartwatch, laptop, charger, router, camera, tablet, headphones, bluetooth, drone, desktop, mouse, …
computer, humanoid, assistant, robot arm, cyborg, drone, nanobot, surgery, bionic, innovate, kinematic, motor, assembly, circuitry, companion, …
music player, smaller tvs, dishwashers, toasters, portable tv, record player, adding machine, comm satellite, computer mouse, fiber optics, heart …
wifi, qr code, camera, internet, cloud, storage, keyboard, video call, bluetooth, payment, upload, charger, mobile, speaker, data, emoji, vibration, …
brass, casing, current, energy, plug, conductor, power, copper, circuit, appliance, flex, amps, earth, wire, insulator, kilowatts, fuse, live, neutral
voltmeter, shunt resistance, magnet, series, rheostat, magnetic field, ammeter, current, circuit, meter bridge, resistance, potentiometer, ampere, …
circuit, series, parallel, potential, difference, current, ohms, volts, amps, resistor, thermistor, light emitting, diode, variable, switch, open, …
electrical, safety, circuit, protection, earth, neutral, live, bonding, crimp, ferrule, marker, cable, pliers, breaker, matting, isolation, hazardous, …
ampere, joule, ammeter, circuit, conductor, capacitor, insulator, gate, polarity, byte, flux, ohms law, diode, fuse, resistor, frequency
breakdown, current, depletion layer, signal diode, reverse, forward, bias, power diode, pn junction, extrinsic, intrinsic, electron, zenar, pnp, npn
freezer, grill, refrigerator, toaster, shredder, table lamp, computer, shaver, convector, kettle, television, food mixer, iron, light bulb, blow …
mac pro, mac studio, iphone, imac, apple watch, airpods max, airtag, mac mini, homepod, vision pro, ipad air, macbook air, apple tv, macbrook pro
leakage, frequency, coupling, resistor, capacitance, amplifier, regulator, parallel, junction, transistor, binary, ampere, collector, buffer, flux, …
power, ground, relay, distribution, charge, load, phase, terminal, safety, circuit, current, illumination, bulb, ampere, watts, shock, substation, …
resistance, battery, ohm, capacitor, sensor, polarity, current, conductor, troubleshoot, insulator, electron, neutron, power, circuit board, …
rubber, glass, plastic, styrofoam, wood, ceramic, porcelain, paper, fiberglass, air, cotton, cork, nylon, polyester, silicone, copper, aluminum, …
potential, wire, kinetic, thermal, load, tidal, chemical, turbine, cell, battery, lamp, nuclear, heat, circuit, oil, energy, component, generator, …
circuit breaker, alternating, watt, conductor, direct current, inverter, electricity, grounding, ohm, rectifier, volt, kilowatt, fuse, ampere, …
thermistor, transistor, capacitor, nand gate, regulator, voltmeter, and gate, inductor, inverter, nor gate, resistor, xor gate, ammeter, or gate, …
ohm, direct current, current, circuit diagram, complex circuit, circuit, electrical power, volt, voltage, series circuit, resistance, resistor
symbol, bulb, battery, switch, circuit, appliance, plug, buzzer, cell, negative, component, conductor, voltage, insulator, mains, metal, motor, …
hertz, device, low voltage, on delay, wiring diagram, safety switch, deceleration, rotor, surge, starter, relay, branch circuit, circuit breaker, …
How to download Electronics and Electrical Word Search Puzzle?
- Click on any of the Word Search Puzzles.
- Print or download on letter-size paper or A4 size paper.
- You also have the option to play online. Just click on the "Play Online" button.
How to Edit Electronics word search puzzles?
You can create your own Electronics and Communication Word Search Puzzles, click on the "Edit" button. You can edit the title, header, font style, words list, grid size, difficulty level, and border style.