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Religion and Belief Word Search
Our free printable religion and belief word searches are a fun and educational activity. These puzzles are perfect for all ages and can be downloaded and printed right from your own computer. Not only will you have a blast trying to find all the hidden words and phrases, but you'll also learn more about different religions and beliefs.
covenant, dove, clean, animals, olive, noah, god, flood, obey, ark, righteous, water, rainbow, rain, family
trust, destroy, lord, light, right, wisdom, abundantly, believes, acknowledge, steal, life, straight, confess, path, christian, repent, savior, …
hydra, pegasus, elf, griffin, unicorn, fairy, goblin, dragon, siren, leprechaun, nymph, werewolf, yeti, phoenix, minotaur, harpy, medusa, gorgon, …
pentecost, gifts, discernment, wisdom, prophecy, faith, indwelling, healing, holy spirit, knowledge, temple, miracles, gods will
jusaism, taoism, islam, shinto, santeria, christianity, muslim, unitarian, buddhist, candomble, sikhism, hoa hao, jainism, hindu, rastafari, mormon
kingdom, enemy, heaven, spirit, amen, praise, faith, gospel, honor, healing, god, bible, jesus, glory, psalm, salvation, worship, grace, pray, love, …
history, law, psalms, songs, narrative, gospels, genealogy, proverbs, prophecy, wisdom, letters, poetry
noah, martha, gomer, magdalene, euodia, athaliah, jochebed, priscilla, esther, elizabeth, jemimah, jezebel, hannah, sarah, dorcas, naomi, syntyche, …
elves, wizard, nymphs, alicorn, goblin, dragon, centaurs, pegasus, pixie, giant, dragonets, gnomes, merfolk, unicorn, trolls, dwarves, hobbits, fairy, …
fire, charisms, charity, ruakh, fruits, consoles, advocate, love, spirit, gifts, comforter, trinity, mission, breath, faithfulness, baptism
trinity, bible, cross, saint, communion, resurrection, orthodox, protestant, salvation, confession, baptism, crucifixion, jesus, virgin mary, …
messiah, good shepherd, son of david, prince of peace, alpha and omega, emmanuel, savior, redeemer, son of god, lord master, high priest, true vine, …
altar, bulletin, singing, greeter, worship, clergy, pews, service, prayer, baptism, cross, deacon, oil, bible, praise, minister, pastor, tithe, elder, …
haggai, isaiah, nahum, hosea, god, obadiah, the, raise, habakkuk, moses, israelite, your, amos, jonah, joel, lord, ezekiel, zephaniah, jeremiah, …
mourn, peacemakers, matthew, blessed, hunger, merciful, kingdom, filled, righteousness, poor inspirit, comforted, see god, heaven, earth, meek, pure
ghost busters, near death, possession, levitation, telepathy, telekinesis, psychic, deadly, scary, ghostly, locution, spirit, investigators, troubled, …
sidney, help, church, forgiveness, harm, blessings, trials, happy, angry, love, unkind, feathers, tar, friends, offended, joseph, persecution, …
oceanic, mythology, beast, ocean, mythopoeia, tentacles, monstrous, marine, sea monster, cephalopod, mythical, giant squid, legend, leviathan, …
good, love, righteous, comforter, immutable, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, faithful, compassionate, merciful, holy, sovereign, patient, truth, …
sheep, attack, see, life, jesus, care, love, power, voice, run, wolf, good, own, scatters, workers, father, sunshine, god, shepherd, flock
wine, fruits, quail, manna, olive oil, barley, fish, bread, olives, meat, honey, wheat
broken mirror, step on a crack, toads touch, ravens call, thirteen guests, full moon, wish on a star, shoes on a table, black cat, cross paths, penny …
heaven, cheribum, lucifer, angel, fallen, worship, god, sin, pride, devil, satan, lightening, destruction
communion, jesus, meal, gospel, cup, table, passover, betrayal, disciples, apostles, judas, foot washing, wine, last supper, bread
wine, real presence, bread, sinners, eucharist, eat, blessings, feast, true blood, believers, invited, drink, family, sacrament, true body, communion
hosea, joel, isaiah, haggai, jeremiah, jonah, ezra, daniel, amos, micah, obadiah, zephaniah, nahum, habakkuk, zechariah, malachi
talmud, hanukkah, bar mitzvah, star of david, passover, hebrew, bat mitzvah, ten commandments, yom kippur, rabbi, israel, haggadah, synagogue, rosh …
love, faithfulness, letters, gentleness, fruit, saul, paul, peace, holy spirit, self control, goodness, jesus, kindness, rules, joy, god
optimism, knowledge, stars, cheerful, boundless, belief, build, opportunity, dream, creativity, imagination, devotion, resilience, healthier, conquer, …
kings, psalms, ezra, chronicles, genesis, nehemiah, deuteronomy, exodus, esther, judges, numbers, samuel, leviticus, joshua, job, ruth