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History Word Search
Do the ancient history and past events interest you? Download these History word search puzzles. You will enjoy searching for words related to Roman Emperors, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greek, etc. Let's find out how many history-related word searches you can solve.
ducat, nickel, dimes, gold, florin, pieces, birch, silver, crown, dinar, issues, cent, steel, edge, wheat, bit, gripped, double, brass, copper
discriminate, tolerance, rights, dream, civil rights, justice, peace, activist, freedom, protest, race, respect, inspiring, love, equality, speech
dream, equality, freedom, peace, civil rights, activism, justice, legacy, protest, nobel prize, march, leader, integration, selma, human rights, love, …
slavery, abolitionist, share cropping, women, plantation, north, sherman, fort sumter, state rights, war, south, abraham lincoln, union blockade, …
horseman, archer, harold, godwinson, hill, king, feyd, knight, senlac, william, housecarl, invasion, hastings, battle, duke
freedom, unity, equality, protest, inspiring, slavery, acceptance, speech, achievement, boycott, discrimination, adversity, rights, segregation, …
emotion, medievalism, introspection, sentimentality, supernatural, subjectivity, nationalism, mysticism, idealism, individualism, imagination, …
ozone, plants, evolution, oxygen, extinct, forelimbs, hind limbs, dinosaurs, time, reptile, embryo, dna, whale, organism, era, fossil, trilobite, …
english, magellan, seafarer, old world, french, products, naval, conquest, nations, sail ships, new world, maritime, overseas, food, ships, spanish, …
pasteur, volta, edison, tesla, marconi, fulton, morse, fermi, hubble, curie, franklin, ford, fleming, wright, newton, watt, gutenberg, galileo, bell
liberty, migratory, disability, society, souvenir, communal, gather, equality, indigenous, aboriginal, charter, activist, bonjour, boutique, freedom, …
art, chess, football, monalisa, science, backgammon, european, isabell, music, sport, checkers, festivals, italy, renaissance, war
robert fulton, isaac newton, eli whitney, archimedes, henry ford, samuel morse, louis pasteur, karl benz, wilbur wright, galileo galilei, orville …
superposition, correlation, isotope, half life, mesozoic, cenozoic, paleozoic, era, eon, period, epoch, tertiary, permian, cretaceous, triassic, …
bankrupt, tenants, initiatives, domestics, racism, distorted, poverty, stubble, speculators, documentary, mitigated, confirmation, sociologists, day …
rhode island, massachusetts, maryland, new york, new hampshire, virginia, delaware, georgia, north carolina, connecticut, new jersey, south carolina, …
consul, commander, defeat, campaigns, hero, code, retreat, dictator, ruler, armies, waterloo, warfare, combat, throne, charge, effort, soldier, crown, …
folding bed, traffic signal, pencil sharpner, fountain pen, lawn mower, motor, gas burner, horse shoe, ironing board, gas mask, guitar, dustpan
obelisk, almonds, cats, love poems, pharaoh, nile, hieroglyphs, desert, sphinx, mummies, rosetta stone, curse, limestone, vizier, scorpion, pyramid, …
credit, red scare, broadcast, radio, henry ford, prosperity, aviator, stock, airplanes, warren harding, mass production, flapper, machines, babe ruth, …
credo, word painting, irish harp, viol, reed pipe, bagpipe, slide trumpet, trumpet, patron, motet, clavichord, round, a capella, madrigals, printing …
safavid, mughal, weaponry, trade, wealth, spices, mongol, battles, islamic, babur, power, taj mahal, akbar, empire, silk, rule, reign, expansion, …
total war, blockade, totalitarian, tojo, blitzkrieg, stalin, bombing, hitler, final solution, genocide, nazism, holocaust, atomic bomb, midway, …
adam smith, john locke, serfdom, opera, montesquieu, natural laws, enlightenment, laissez faire, rococo, rousseau, handel, thomas hobbes, mozart, …
tax, repeal, feather, act, tolerate, and, legal, quartering, revenue, relationship, boycott, tea, stamp, boston, colonies, loyalist, finance, …
penicillin, electricity, telephone, steam engine, computer, camera, airplane, refrigerator, microwave, television, vaccination, internet, light bulb, …
alliance, benedict arnold, cavalry, charles, cornwallis, civilian, continental, enlist, francis marion, grievance, guerrilla, john paul jones, …
island, attack, destroyer, target, bomber, air raid, surprise, fighter, pacific fleet, memorial, arizona, battleship, pearl harbor, america, germany, …
anthropology, domesticate, resource, prehistory, archaeologist, economy, clan, surplus, revolution, culture, civilization, artifact, adapt, …
captain smith, carpathia, crew, first class, iceberg, james cameron, lifeboats, maiden voyage, passengers, radio operators, rms titanic, second class, …
How to download History Word Search Puzzle?
- Click on any of the History word search puzzles.
- Print or download on letter-size paper or A4 size paper.
- You also have the option to play online. Just click on the "Play Online" button.
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You can create your own History word searches, click on the "Edit" button. You can edit the title, header, font style, words list, grid size, difficulty level, and border style.