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History Word Search
Do the ancient history and past events interest you? Download these History word search puzzles. You will enjoy searching for words related to Roman Emperors, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greek, etc. Let's find out how many history-related word searches you can solve.
alliance, benedict arnold, cavalry, charles, cornwallis, civilian, continental, enlist, francis marion, grievance, guerrilla, john paul jones, …
pangaea, cretaceous, triassic, silurian, cambrian, epoch, paleozoic, period, holocene, era, paleogene, neogene, meteorite, ice age, habitat, mesozoic, …
australian, lights, gold rush, license, goldfield, shovel, digging, water, gold, rest, nuggets, mates, mining, quartz, sundays, law
emotion, medievalism, introspection, sentimentality, supernatural, subjectivity, nationalism, mysticism, idealism, individualism, imagination, …
penicillin, electricity, telephone, steam engine, computer, camera, airplane, refrigerator, microwave, television, vaccination, internet, light bulb, …
baby, sid, iceage, cave, mountains, diego, acorn, migration, snow, mammoth, herd, sloth, manny, human, squirrel, tiger
rhode island, massachusetts, maryland, new york, new hampshire, virginia, delaware, georgia, north carolina, connecticut, new jersey, south carolina, …
legion, pharaoh, triumph, augustus, cleopatra, empire, ides, senate, egypt, caesarion, octavian, rome, caesar, dictator
labor, spinning wheel, resources, steel, production, assembly line, urban, effective, development, environment, supply, power loom, blacksmith, …
horseman, archer, harold, godwinson, hill, king, feyd, knight, senlac, william, housecarl, invasion, hastings, battle, duke
independence, violence, colony, spices, plantations, tobacco, power, rights, british empire, rebellion, trading, cotton, religion, slaves, war
aztec, teotihuacan, harappa, mesopotamia, kush, phoenicia, chaldea, mycenae, akkadian, hittite, egypt, rome, zapotec, babylon, minoan, inca, maya, …
integration, freedom riders, nonviolence, montgomery, discrimination, movement, freedom, march, protest, rights, voting, bus, selma, activism, leader, …
emu, spear, snack, star, meeting place, man, sand hill, woman, campsite, waterhole, boomerang, animal tracks, cloud, clapping sticks, nest, bush berry
world war, allies, belgium, powers, france, britain, germany, empire, austria, front, conflict, fighting, hungary, eastern, battle, russia, war, …
public, gladiator, bear, roman, battle, mercy, wrestle, games, sword, emperor, war, gory, empire, lion, ancient, net
total war, blockade, totalitarian, tojo, blitzkrieg, stalin, bombing, hitler, final solution, genocide, nazism, holocaust, atomic bomb, midway, …
technology, combustion, invention, carnegie, power loom, railroad, machinery, labor, progress, entrepreneur, industry, accessible, petroleum, …
radio, crazy blues, coolidge, immigration act, prohibition, raccoon coats, black tuesday, jazz age, bootlegger, al capone, flapper, lindbergh, henry …
churchill, fascism, alliances, conflict, nazis, nagasaki, europe, holocaust, hitler, russia, japan, propaganda, battles, hiroshima, germany, france, …
primary, council, stockade, citizen, urban, mission, viceroy, province, basins, canal, century, decade, plateau, tepees, climate, relative, republic, …
caligula, augustus, punic wars, cleopatra, emperor, centurion, gladiators, octavian, brutus, mark antony, colosseum, constantine, tiber river, …
frozen, iceman, weapons, otzi , scientist, austria, backpack, dagger, bow, axe, arrow, mountains
socrates, taoism, sartre, confucius, nietzsche, descartes, aristotle, kant, foucault, hume, locke, marxism, plato, stoicism, aquinas
peasant, manor, serf, cathedral, windmill, dante, lord, aquinas, farming, chaucer, simony, siege, lady, knight, chivalry, jousting, nun, armor, …
consul, commander, defeat, campaigns, hero, code, retreat, dictator, ruler, armies, waterloo, warfare, combat, throne, charge, effort, soldier, crown, …
freedom, unity, equality, protest, inspiring, slavery, acceptance, speech, achievement, boycott, discrimination, adversity, rights, segregation, …
menkaura, khendjer, sahure, hsekiu, khufu, neheb, smerdis, darius, den, raneb, khayu, nefaarud, narmer, khafra, kamose, djoser
athens, aristotle, sparta, aphrodite, plato, sappho, iliad, olympics, amphitheater, odyssey, acropolis, hades, zeus, archimedes, corinth, goddess
adam smith, john locke, serfdom, opera, montesquieu, natural laws, enlightenment, laissez faire, rococo, rousseau, handel, thomas hobbes, mozart, …
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- Click on any of the History word search puzzles.
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