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History Word Search
Free printable history word search puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own word search using our word search maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
commoners, electors, consumer, taille, bourgeoise, nationalism, consecrate, suffrage, notorious, consultate, domestic, revolution, sovereignty, …
anthropology, domesticate, resource, prehistory, archaeologist, economy, clan, surplus, revolution, culture, civilization, artifact, adapt, …
booth, memorial, patriot, douglas, slaves, union, lawyer, five dollar, log cabin, whig, speech, civil war, mary todd, republican, penny, debates
dream, equality, freedom, peace, civil rights, activism, justice, legacy, protest, nobel prize, march, leader, integration, selma, human rights, love, …
western, lusitania, league, assassination, gas, lorraine, flame, germany, colonies, jutland, france, verdun, retribution, italy, guilt, armistice, …
i have a dream, scott, equality, king, civil, protest, rights, leader, movement, hope, advocate, freedom, justice, tolerance, love, dream, community, …
discriminate, tolerance, rights, dream, civil rights, justice, peace, activist, freedom, protest, race, respect, inspiring, love, equality, speech
consul, estates, defeat, campaigns, chaos, code, retreat, dictator, ruler, armies, waterloo, warfare, cahiers, throne, annex, effort, soldier, crown, …
ducat, nickel, dimes, gold, florin, pieces, birch, silver, crown, dinar, issues, cent, steel, edge, wheat, bit, gripped, double, brass, copper
ozone, plants, evolution, oxygen, extinct, forelimbs, hind limbs, dinosaurs, time, reptile, embryo, dna, whale, organism, era, fossil, trilobite, …
english, magellan, seafarer, old world, french, products, naval, conquest, nations, sail ships, new world, maritime, overseas, food, ships, spanish, …
art, chess, football, monalisa, science, backgammon, european, isabell, music, sport, checkers, festivals, italy, renaissance, war
robert fulton, isaac newton, eli whitney, archimedes, henry ford, samuel morse, louis pasteur, karl benz, wilbur wright, galileo galilei, orville …
superposition, correlation, isotope, half life, mesozoic, cenozoic, paleozoic, era, eon, period, epoch, tertiary, permian, cretaceous, triassic, …
tax, repeal, feather, act, tolerate, and, legal, quartering, revenue, relationship, boycott, tea, stamp, boston, colonies, loyalist, finance, …
island, attack, destroyer, target, bomber, air raid, surprise, fighter, pacific fleet, memorial, arizona, battleship, pearl harbor, america, germany, …
serf, manor, chivalry, knight, lord, pilgrimage, gothic, fief, vassal, black death, viking, crusades, monastery, guild, feudalism
central powers, triple entente, lusitania, zimmermann, schlieffen plan, trench warfare, mustard gas, the great war, bolsheviks, propaganda, …
hunter, fire, cooking, cave, wheel, paleolithic, nomads, spears, gather, ancient, extinct, barefoot, club, stone, cavemen, carvings
tragedy, amphitheater, projection, movement, tales, mask, action, costume, actors, emotion, unison, chorus, wine, dialogue, myths, playwright, masks, …
grant, antietam, sherman, ironclads, emancipation, confederacy, gettysburg, infantry, slavery, fort sumter, union, appomattox, battle, davis, …
civil war, byzantine empire, renaissance, middle ages, space race, great depression, berlin wall, prohibition, moon landing, reformation, cold war, …
epic poem, phoenician, byzantine, empire, rhetoric, dictator, inflation, trilogy, ethics, tribute, martyr, plague, truce, virtue, plebeian, recession, …
safety, celebration, fireworks, treason, gun powder, november, display, bonfire, sparklers, guy fawkes, parliament, toffee apple
theses, criticism, catholic, nepotism, printing press, wealth, martin luther, kings, absenteeism, tithe, power, protestant, indulgences, simony, …
tariff, invention, monopoly, us steel, light bulb, industry, nikola tesla, labor unions, phonograph, thomas edison, materialism, ellis island, tin …
Popular innovations and discoveries that originates from Germany.
ferdinand, pizarro, magellan, cabot, caravel, de vaca, astrolabe, balboa, sextant, champlain, gold, isabella, compass, columbus, cortez, hudson, …
irrigation, stand, your, behind, scribe, artisan, conquer, plateau, chair, empire, plain, fertile, monotheism, quietly, society, barter, dynasty, …
christianity, china, athens, egyptian, civilization, phoenicians, sparta, mesopotamia, assyrian, buddhism, india, rome, zhou dynasty, empire, judaism, …