History Word Search

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Showing 31-60 of 169 records

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Ancient Greece

athens, aristotle, sparta, aphrodite, plato, sappho, iliad, olympics, amphitheater, odyssey, acropolis, hades, zeus, archimedes, corinth, goddess

The Enlightenment

adam smith, john locke, serfdom, opera, montesquieu, natural laws, enlightenment, laissez faire, rococo, rousseau, handel, thomas hobbes, mozart, …

Greek Mythological Figures

theia, oceanus, apollo, demeter, chaos, zeus, ares, styx, helios, dionysus, eros, artemis, hades, hermes, athena, themis

Stone Age

cave, stone, hunt, stew, birds, barefoot, spears, ancient, carvings, cavemen, club, wheel, fire, extinct, cooking, creation


captain smith, carpathia, crew, first class, iceberg, james cameron, lifeboats, maiden voyage, passengers, radio operators, rms titanic, second class, …

Famous Battles

iwo jima, yorktown, cannae, bunker hill, dien bien phu, agincourt, stalingrad, hastings, normandy, midway, thermopylae, antietam, marathon, little …

English Civil War

royalists, death, puritan, ship money, ammunition, muskets, parliament, monarch, hymns, charles, defeat, cavalry, religion, protestant, fairfax, …

The Cold War

sputnik, ussr, marxism, kremlin, churchill, communism, international, detente, salt, space race, nuclear, berlin, nato, warsaw, cuba

The British Empire

superiority, british, sun, merchant, empire, legacy, trade, monopoly, colony, native, india, charter

American Civil War

slavery, abolitionist, share cropping, women, plantation, north, sherman, fort sumter, state rights, war, south, abraham lincoln, union blockade, …


gutenberg, faraday, weston, shrapnel, fleming, bell, whittle, hill, newton, thomson, franklin, tesla, bacon, flowers, wallis, edison

The Prehistory

iron, dolmen, glaciers, java man, ceramics, neolithic, evolution, farmer, menhir, rituals, fire, copper, homo, nomadic, wheel, argar, stone, arrow, …

Napoleon Wars

austria, france, great britain, campaign, victory, passage, colonial, maritime, contraband, treaty, trade, sugar, coffee, coalition, empire

Great Inventors

pasteur, volta, edison, tesla, marconi, fulton, morse, fermi, hubble, curie, franklin, ford, fleming, wright, newton, watt, gutenberg, galileo, bell

WW1 Countries

germany, greece, austria, bulgaria, serbia, japan, hungary, uk, romania, russia, belgium, portugal, usa, turkey, italy, france

Ancient Egypt

obelisk, almonds, cats, love poems, pharaoh, nile, hieroglyphs, desert, sphinx, mummies, rosetta stone, curse, limestone, vizier, scorpion, pyramid, …

Roaring 20s

credit, red scare, broadcast, radio, henry ford, prosperity, aviator, stock, airplanes, warren harding, mass production, flapper, machines, babe ruth, …

Canadian History

liberty, migratory, disability, society, souvenir, communal, gather, equality, indigenous, aboriginal, charter, activist, bonjour, boutique, freedom, …

Renaissance Music

credo, word painting, irish harp, viol, reed pipe, bagpipe, slide trumpet, trumpet, patron, motet, clavichord, round, a capella, madrigals, printing …

African American Inventions

folding bed, traffic signal, pencil sharpner, fountain pen, lawn mower, motor, gas burner, horse shoe, ironing board, gas mask, guitar, dustpan

The Great Depression

bankrupt, tenants, initiatives, domestics, racism, distorted, poverty, stubble, speculators, documentary, mitigated, confirmation, sociologists, day …

Indigenous Canada

indigenous, metis, canada, inequality, native, inuit, tradition, ancestors, people, land, tribe, history, first nation, culture, colonization

Inheritance, Evolution & Variation

selection, nucleus, egg, organism, offspring, adaptation, reproduce, variation, genotype, extinct, sperm, chromosome, fossil, evolution, dna, …

The French Revolution

old regime, estates general, national, assembly, napoleon, commoners, austria, nobility, louis xvi, france, clergy, robespierre, bastille, reign, …

Irish Mythology

macha , an , brigid , ogma , mag mell , lugh , dagda , druids , heroes , cycles , carman , banshee , badb , fianna , literature , nuada

Men of the Sea

lafitte, aubrey, noah, sindbad, balboa, drake, dewey, crane, jones, morgan, da gama, barry, cook, bligh, porter, hudson, smith, ulysses, ahab, perry

Stone Age Era

paleolithic, neolithic, nomadic, bands, specialization, wooden spear, fire, bow, animal bones, hunter, gatherer, mud brick, jericho, trade, …

Alexander the Great

alexander, aristotle, babylon, diadochi, egypt, greece, king, leader, macedonia, persia, philip ii, ptolemy, syria, thirty two, tutored, ancient, …

Thirteen Colonies

maryland, georgia, south carolina, delaware, connecticut, new hampshire, massachusetts, new jersey, new york, virginia, north carolina, rhode island, …

Mughal Empire

safavid, mughal, weaponry, trade, wealth, spices, mongol, battles, islamic, babur, power, taj mahal, akbar, empire, silk, rule, reign, expansion, …