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Books & Literature Word Search
Free printable books word search puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own word search using our word search maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
playwright, sonnet, shrew, replicas, foul play, merchant, relevance, comedy, insults, prologue, tragedy, hamlet, macbeth, drama, poet, much ado, …
vietnamese, japanese, spanish, englian, chinese, bengali, italian, turkish, persian, swahili, german, korean, hindi, dutch, french, arabic, …
theme, moral, conflict, setting, genre, dialogue, characters, plot, climax, resolution
hex, bird box, frankenstein, misery, psycho, carrie, it, coraline, redrum, the shining, dracula, insomnia, hocus pocus, the exorcist, heart shaped box
author, audience, rhetoric, jargon, brainstorm, imagery, manuscript, journal, story, energy, dialogue, draft, style, topic, idiom, metaphor, …
third person, formal, concise, paragraphs, introduction, point, main body, link, evidence, references, bibliography, integrity
darcy, jake, mira, school, classmate, doughnuts, celebrate, forrest, unicorn, rescue, teacher, glitter
week, year planner, notes, feelings, calendar, contacts, entries, record, handwriting, date, holidays, moon phases, month, addresses, phone numbers, …
drama, biography, metaphor, satire, epic, nobel, verse, sonnet, author, comedy, realism, poetry, allegory, poem, novel, haiku, bestseller, fantasy, …
archetype, anecdote, flashback, tone, epic, genre, foil, allusion, mood, setting, protagonist, tenor, symbol, epiphany, foreshadow, vehicle, …
ted, elly, special, pebble, stone, mouse, trouble, rocks, nimmo, angry, jenny, slither, book, shells, garden, beach
Twelfth Night, or What You Will is a romantic comedy by William Shakespeare.
parker, ford, berger, goldman, hoffman, mailer, filroy, harrison, clark, anthony, lodge, barth, wolff, carey, baker, gordon, dove, price, grafton, …
fruits, soups, sauces, grilling, cakes, pies, cookies, desserts, appetizer, candies, eggs, fish, pasta, beverages, breads, salads
account , address , audio , blue , coloring , cook , coupon , date , guide , library , log , note , phone , work , text , story , sketch , scrap , …
structure, onomatopoeia, adjective, rhetorical, pathetic fallacy, alliteration, compound, paragraph, sibilance, language, metaphor, noun, repetition, …
offered, disbelief, instant, aghast, hesitated, mock, daintily, unique, watchful, stunned, chops, dismay, spattered, livid, fabulous, cozy, splendid, …
staff, shelf, library, author, reader, biography, spine, romance, novel, fantasy, cover art, mystery, fiction, bestseller, checkout, history, travel, …
decoding, text feature, visual imagery, inference, hyperbole, fluency, alliteration, paraphrasing, rereading, metaphor, predicting, personification, …
library, record, entries, books, science, search, card, browse, read, subjects, copyright, edition, online, appendix, glossary, catalog, index, …
english, serbian, polish, germanic, russian, norwegian, french, german, spanish, portuguese, dutch, czech, romance, italian, slavic
epistolary, western, mystery, romance, crime, dystopian, gothic, fantasy, adventure, comedy, biography, mythology, farce, fiction, travelogue, poetry, …
shape, people, home, maxim, money, mens health, seventeen, more, self, time, lucky, glamour, gourmet, health, handy, cosmo, elle, sunset, golf digest, …
green, seuss, eastman, spinelli, carle, gaiman, rey, boynton, paulsen, lowry, dahl, lewis, baum, depaola, creech, sachar, lobel, white, rowling, …
evade, diabolism, abominations, anarchy, condemnation, licentious, hypocrites, ecstatic, quail, indignant, prodigious, ascertain, conjured, bemused, …
rhetoric, onomatopoeia, colloquialism, metonymy, connotation, persona, protagonist, paradox, foreshadowing, tone, motif, subtext, stanza, plot, …
reason, fallacy, restructuring, ad hominem, tu quoque, cum hoc, argument, slippery slope, standard, flaw, conclusion, analysis, complex, conflation, …
home, mood, group, imagery, poem, meet, opinion, likes, library, setting, connect, engage, theme, plot, write, cafe, social, friends, shared, read, …
antagonista, leyenda, narrativa, cuento, relato, trama, mito, climax, dialogo, empatia, protagonista, tema, ritmo, motivo, flashback, suspenso, …
sly old cat, duchess, ginger, benjamin, jeremy, mouse, parsley, pickles, lucie, anne, appley, whiskers, cotton tail, roly poly, sally, miss, cecily, …