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Arts & Crafts Word Search
Free printable arts-and-crafts word search puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own word search using our word search maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
light salmon, lemon chiffon, turquoise, soft coral, buttercream, pale yellow, lilac, pale lavender, pale green, baby pink, mint, periwinkle, peach, …
The color names that starts with letter A.
quiltcon, market, festival, symposium, retreat, expo, show, auction, cruise, workshop, seminar, camp, exhibition, convention, competition, display
clean, exhibit, shine, tools, party, form, chainsaw, details, swan, cut, create, banquet, shave, time, clear, plan, carve, face, scene, angel, melt, …
mintage, mentor, authenticity, subtleties, complex, mapleleaf, lincolncent, flowinghair, silverdollar, fakes, demand, altered, supply, rare, risk, …
cuts, art, craft, creases, airplane, cow, bird, crab, star, japanese, pattern, paper, crane, butterfly, folding, boat
Graphic design is a craft where professionals create visual content to communicate messages.
hippie, workshop, artist, television, accidents, tree, landscape, mountain, teaching, hair, brush, american, paint, joy, smithsonian
optical, mathematics, principles, technical, riley, rhythm, illusion, undulate, geometric, personal, harmony, shapes, tight, depth, patterns, complex, …
ongoing, omnibus, trade, digital, splash, floppies, edition, layout, story arc, anthology, humor, run, variant, character, horror, drawn, digest, …
color, shape, adobe, gif file, dimensions, margin, opacity, demand, concept artist, png file, canvas, spiral, certification, goals, photographer, …
Scrapbooking is a method of preserving, presenting and arranging personal and family history in the form of a book, box or card.
Modern art includes artistic work produced during the period extending roughly from the 1860s to the 1970s.
red, amber, asparagus, chocolate, brass, camel, green, orange, azure, turquoise, brown, almond, aqua, lilac, blue, maroon, amaranth, amethyst, …
sculpture, comedy, drama, temples, tragedy, historical art, ideal figures, columns, epic poetry, humanism, architecture, proportion, perfection, …
molds, casting, band, atmosphere, wheel, chuck, feldspar, greenware, filler, firing, crackle, sculpture, alumina, earthenware, dipping, glaze, …
An art style is a set of distinctive characteristics that are shared between artworks.
illustrator, paper, computer, films, graphite, drafting table, illustration, photoshop, graphic tablet, pencil, computer mouse, books, posters, …
secondary, animals, color, foxes, scroll painting, cool, primary, intensity, plants, value, color wheel, warm, birds, hue, watercolor, japan, crane, …
acoustics, modernism, function, gallery, cantilever, bracket, skyscraper, kitchen, facing, aesthetic, gazebo, engineering, design, french door, …
circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, diamond, star, heart, crescent, sphere, cube, pyramid, cone, cylinder, zigzag, …
Arts and crafts comprise a whole host of activities and hobbies that are related to making things with one's own hands and skill.
fine, diagram, zigzagged, depth, thin, detailed, thick, shadow, simplify, contrast, curved, contour, line, light, graphic, outline, tones, pattern, …
shapes, materials, museum, mirror, face, fabric, artist, paint, picture, reflection, sculpture, shadow, stone, wood, chisel, hammer, lines, palette, …
symbolism, modernism, avant garde, bold, surrealism, emotion, intense, distorted, experimentation, angst, impressionism, abstract, inner turmoil, …
play, theatre, stage, actor, actress, drama, mime, perform, sing, dance, act, music, laugh, clap, props
back strap, diamond, alpaca, weft, cashmere, novelty, silk, platinum, loom, shawl, hook, scissors, lush, vicuna, heddle, yarn, skill, texture, …
artists, printing, landscape, picasso, paper, eraser, graphics, drawing, abstract, assembling, embroidery, acrylic, brushes, ink, sculpture, …
impressionism, surrealism, cubism, renaissance, pop art, expressionism, abstract, artnouveau, minimalism, baroque, fauvism, realism, dadaism, …
color, perception, seascapes, movement, atmosphere, ephemeral, pointillism, realism, light, nature, brushwork, softness, monet, harmony, landscapes, …