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Business & Finance Word Search
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List of currencies used in different countries.
Word search related to the business, finance and budget related terms.
business, civics, parliament, local, volunteer, democracy, income, assembly, demand, government, casual, powers, speech, religion, movement, supply, …
clock, pen, phone, paper, envelope, stamps, calculator, computer, chair, appointment, checks, highlighter, pencil, keyboard, desk, mouse
appreciate, appraisal, collateral, title insurance, workout, preclosing, underwriting, secured loan, closing agent, asset, character, principal, title …
volume, margin, security, recession, overdraft, auditors, profit, market, deflation, dividend, bond, equity, base rate, annuity, inflation, turnover
Real estate is considered real property that includes land and anything permanently attached to it or built on it, whether natural or man-made.
customers, machinery, factory, travel, technology, production, materials, workforce, secondary, location, demand, robots
penny, fiver, bucks, cent, cash, dough, jackson, ten spot, quarter, thousands, dime, hundreds, twenty, change, coins, bank, dollars, half dollar, …
married, liability, interest, file, refund, dividends, return, irs, single, dependent, household, credits, tax, deductions, withheld
credit union, savings, deposit, money, cash, bills, account, online banking, debit card, coins, currency, bank, check, routing number, withdraw, check …
supply, investment, demand, market, inflation, capital, recession, profit, interest rate, subsidy, monopoly, gdp, competition, tariff
personal, goal, careers, plan, training, specific, employer, develop, assessment, advantages, focus, targets, improvement, measurable, flexible, …
campaign, keywords, research, promotion, placement, agency, tagline, selling, billboard, direct, social media, marketing, channels, advertise, …
safe, cash, computer, guard, marketing, service, loans, line, money, building, data, tellers, financial, checks, banks, deposit, banking, managers, …
nike, ebay, woolworths, toyota, cocacola, fedex, telstra, microsoft, starbucks, samsung, dan murphy, apple, ups, bigw, pepsi, ikea, amazon, kelloggs, …
deposit, risk, bankruptcy, share market, budget, funds, banks, reward, capital, loans, interest, investments, mortgage, scams, identity theft, …
teams, nonprofit, activity, services, plans, money, groups, company, profit, business, entrepreneur, advertising
technology, combustion, invention, carnegie, power loom, railroad, machinery, labor, progress, entrepreneur, industry, accessible, petroleum, …
creditor, capital, integration, unit cost, merger, profit, competition, labour, monopoly, footloose, costs, liability, land, trade union, raw …
sales, service, purchase, goods, product, owner, stock, shop, credit, client, cards, aisle, profit, budget, retail, debit
play, fees, dice, luck, piece, house, roll, board, money, cash, game, collect, rich, hotel, taxes, avenue, bankrupt, place, water, dollar
income, fraud, phishing, smishing, savings, money mule, finance, budgeting, security code, bank, financial, buying, managing, expenses, money
money, business, liabilities, receipts, purchases, credit, record, transaction, returns, creditors, assets, debit, sales, ledger, debtors, double …
appraisal, outsourcing, strategic, analytics, compliance, organisational, development, project, customer, optimisation, creativity, finance, …
bank, google, carpet, university, sofa, teacher, dentist, hairdresser, cinema, trainers, car, builder, theme park, shampoo, garage, taxi
debt, brand, income, innovation, materials, total costs, marketing, entrepreneur, compete, risk, objectives, obsolete, advertising, costs, interest, …
percentage, interest, budget, investment, loans, wealth, savings, retirement, return, finance, purchase, discipline, payments, monthly, contribution, …
regulations, documentation, processes, policies, assessment, guidelines, quality, finance, risk, planning, auditor, standards, compliance, …
patient, politeness, support, customer, warmth, genuine, troubleshooting, listening, teamwork, cheerful, service, smile, assistance, accountability, …