Law & Government Word Search

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chapter, trial, legislative, independence, judicial, mediator, power, justice, conciliator, arbitrator, executive, state, threat, article, pressure, …

Texas County Seats

dalhart, brady, jayton, belton, emory, liberty, dumas, caldwell, anson, cameron, athens, canton, alpine, boerne, cleburne, llano, conroe, alice, …

Attorney Generals

toucey, biddle, devens, evarts, bradford, berrien, mitchell, butler, lincoln, jackson, taft, olney, rodney, black, legare, garland, williams, gilpin, …

Political Vocabulary

skepticism, law, campaign, predominately, variations, fluctuate, populism, poll, density, right, constituent, accountable, determinant, constituency, …


canberra, economy, voting, nation, federation, election, australia, local, colonies, government, migration, policy, commonwealth, propaganda, federal, …


alarm, media, evidence, kit, witness, robbery, follow, observant, email, investigation, hotline, cash, security, stay calm, passenger, lock, identity …

Foreign Goverment

consulate, policy, border, trade, elections, foreign, sanctions, constitution, summit, sovereignty, embassy, parliament, alliance, jurisdiction, …


serf, protection, feudalism, peasant, vassal, bishop, fief, knight, king, pope, lord, priest, queen, craftspeople, castle, land, catholic, noble, …

Information Management

disposal, governance, state records, agencies, storage, document, digital, information, records, data, appraisal, metadata, standards, archive, …

How Government Earns Money

government, revenue, taxes, savings, passports, court fines, income tax, land tax, resources, licenses, royalties, direct, indirect, homes, budget, …

Competency Restoration Training

scoresheet, victim, plea, rights, courtroom, jury, verdict, felony, attorney, witness, misdemeanor, defendant, probation, bench trial, house arrest, …

Policies & Procedures

incidents, health, care, risks, whs, hazards, facility, workplace, procedure, education, policy, staff, centre, report, regulations, management, nqf, …

Power and Corruption

nefarious, domineering, villainous, ambitious, power crazy, vicious, aggressive, power, corruption, degenerate, authoritarian, controlling


thai, abusive, rules, incarceration, alcatraz, identity, inhumane, trapped, auschwitz, sentence, numbers, poland, food, reading, stanford, law, …

Sedition and Propaganda

opposition, undermine, liberty bonds, pamphlets, campaign, nationalism, promote, congress, morale, armed forces, draft, wartime, enforcement, …


stalin, soviet, hammer, sickle, necessity, workers, surplus value, castro, syndicalism, hegel, economics, proletariat, chairman, wage, che, mao, …

Elections Vocabulary

ballot, vote, candidate, elections, campaign, running mate, voting booth, veto, bill, register, ballot box, nominate

Forms of Government Terminology

federation, monarchy, theocracy, oligarchy, fascism, aristocracy, socialism, democracy, anarchism, confederation, totalitarianism, presidential, …

Governments and Economics

democracy, totalitarian, market, traditional, command, tertiary, primary, secondary, oligarchy, theocracy, dictatorship, representative, elections, …

Political Ideology

green, programmatic, conservatism, explanatory, socialism, individualist, liberalism, liberation, orientative, anarchism, classical, nationalism, …

International Relations

diplomacy, realpolitik, supranational, sanctions, geopolitics, peacekeeping, summitry, treaty, superpower, bilateral, alliance, regime, …

Queen Charlotte

patron, queen's lodge, princess, botanist, surrey, duke charles, mozart, sophia charlotte, mecklenburg, consort, capability brown, marie antoinette, …


earl marshal, lord chamberlain, investiture, london, gold state coach, scepter, enthronement, consecrated oil, st edwards crown, oath, stone of scone, …

Canadian Prime Ministers

macdonald, mackenzie, abbott, thompson, bowell, tupper, laurier, borden, meighen, st laurent, diefenbaker, pearson, trudeau, clark, turner, mulroney, …

Procurement Under Grants

sole sourcing, requirements, exigency, emergency, federal, disaster, awarding, state, competition, procurement, proposal, public, transition, …

Secretaries of State

acheson, albright, hull, dulles, byrnes, colby, muskie, blaine, fish, evarts, vance, powell, bacon, marcy, rice, knox