Society & Culture Word Search

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Showing 301-304 of 304 records

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Psychological Research

normative, percentile, interval, age norming, distributions, regression, nominal, stratified, zscores, stanines, ttests, correlations, aptitude, …

Unintentional Sin / Rebellion

god, numbers, levite, koran, reuben, dathan, a rim, moses, aaron, complaining, deceive, insecure, jealousy, consequences, discipline, qualifications, …


ballmer, ellison, gates, bezos, icahn, bloomberg, mittal, buffett, safra, walton, koch, allen, page, ortega, brin, dell

Pulitzer Prize Winners

roth, barnes, mccarthy, glasgow, russo, buck, momaday, mailer, brooks, lewis, cheever, chabon, ferber, cozzens, walker, jones