Animals Word Search

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Showing 241-270 of 304 records

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Animals of the Amazon

snake, jaguar, anaconda, opossum, toucan, otter, sloth, capybara, alpaca, buffalo, monkey, stingray, piranha, iguana, tortoise, macaw

Find the Largest Land Animals!

buffalo, crocodile, gaur, cattle, polar bear, moose, yak, hippo, bison, elephant, elk, brown bear, horse, camel, rhinoceros, giraffe

Find the Dog Breeds!

pomeranian, schnauzer, pug, doberman, dachshund, terrier, dalmatian, rottweiler, husky, kelpie, poodle, bulldog, labrador, mastiff, chihuahua, beagle

Find the Cat Breeds!

siberian, bobtail, chartreux, somali, abyssinian, balinese, manx, sphynx, korat, bengal, lykoi, persian, bombay, siamese, burmese, ragdoll

Find the types of Frogs!

wood, mossy, goliath, poison dart, golden mantella, true, bullfrog, green, cinnamon, tomato, common, horned

Find the Types of Primates!

gorilla, tamarin, marmoset, baboon, aye aye, lorise, monkey, macaque, gibbon, chimpanzee, orangutan, mandrill, lemur, tarsier, bonobo, human

Find the Spiders!

white tailed, tarantula, huntsman, red back, tiger, jumping, funnel web, wolf, sombrero, orb weaver, wall, trapdoor


mammal, twitch, fast, husk, drove, shy, watch, escape, hopping, ears, herbivore, nose, awake, fur, down, birth, distance, hop, whiskers, swift, prey, …

Japanese Animals

trout, crab, moth, bee, ant, lynx, wolf, newt, boar, shark, deer, eel, frog, fox, crow, toad, bat, tit, bear, owl


asia, beast, bengal, captivity, carnivore, cubs, edangered, environment, feline, ferocious, giant, habitat, jungle, leap, malayan, mammal, orange, …

Wildlife in Jamaica

hummingbird, red macaw, manatee, mongoose, crocodile, woodpecker, hutia, green turtle, pigeon, patoo, boa, hawksbill, blackbird, iguana, swallowtail, …

Most Dangerous Animals

alligator, ants, assassin bug, bees, cape buffalo, crocodile, deer, dogs, elephants, freshwater snail, hippo, horse, humans, jellyfish, leopard, lion, …

Birds of Spring

chickadee, goose, goldfinch, heron, sparrow, finch, cardinal, warbler, bluebird, meadowlark, swallow, oriole, nuthatch, kingfisher, wren, robin, …

Animal Conservation

conservation, assessment, big idea, plan, habitat, educate, environment, shading, awareness, extinction, critique, medium, aesthetic, threatened, …

Animal Care

eyes, neutering, water, claws, grooming, space, exercise, bedding, chipping, checks, gums, warmth, reassurance, toys, insurance, diet, ears, skin, …

Types of Animals

tiger, kangaroo, turtle, fox, hedgehog, panda, lion, rabbit, frog, koala, giraffe, bear, leopard, penguin, camel, zebra, crocodile, shark, cheetah, …

Domesticated Animals

ferret, llama, donkey, cattle, cat, horse, dog, goat, chicken, yak, guinea pig, sheep, camels, fox, pig

State Birds of India

indian roller, wood duck, emerald dove, sarus crane, hornbill, black francolin, koel, flamingo, house sparrow, indian bustard, parakeet, hill myna

Animals Classification

ladybug, jaguar, mosquito, caterpillar, iguana, cricket, prayingmantis, parrot, snake, turtle, spider, sloth, armadillo, squirrel, flee, ants, tapir, …

Animal Family: Types of Pets

parrot, canaries, turtle, angelfish, chameleon, hamster, bettas, finches, cat, dog, goldfish, llama, horse, gerbil, guinea pig, iguana, frog, guppies, …

Mountain Wildlife

tibetan wolf, himalayan monal, peregrine falcons, vultures, lynx, mountain bluebirds, golden eagle, snowshoe hare, chinchilla, alpine marmot, ibex, …

African Savannas

aardvark, buffalo, cheetah, eland, elephant, gazelle, giraffe, hippopotamus, hyena, impala, leopard, lion, meerkat, ostrich, rhinoceros, springbok, …

Mythical Animals

pegasus, griffin, wyvern, phoenix, yeti, cyclops, satyr, unicorn, chimera, jackalope, kraken, bunyip, thunderbird, centaur, roc, sphinx, simurgh, …

Flightless Birds

cassowary, dodo, emu, eudyptes warhami, giant coot, great auk, kairuku, kakapo, king penguin, kiwi, moa, ostrich, penguin, rhea, rockhopper, streamer …

Invasive Species

brown rat, bullfrog, burmese python, cane toad, carp, cat, crazy ant, feral goats, feral swine, lion fish, mouse, nile perch, nutria, rabbit, red fire …

Hibernating Animals

deer mice, dormouse, box turtle, praire dog, bear, squirrel, groundhog, bumblebee, marmot, toad, poorwill, dwarf lemur, chipmunk, shrew, brown bat, …

South American Birds

hoatzin, toucan, inca tern, oilbird, capuchin, kelprhea, parakeet, macaw, harpy eagle, flamingo, condor, frigate bird, sheathbill, barbet, agami …

North American Birds

crow, pelican, mockingbird, snowy owl, bluebird, bald eagle, cardinal, mallard, hawk, blue jay, raven, songbird, oriole, goldfinch, robin, gull, …

Swamp Creatures

alligator, babirusa, blue heron, catfish, crayfish, eel, fishing cat, frog, hippo, ibis, mangabey, marsh harrier, marsh rabbit, moccasin, muskrat, …

Flying Animlas

parrot, swan, bat, toucan, blue jay, nightingale, pelican, crow, seagull, eagle, owl, woodpecker, sparrow, pigeon, humming bird, flamingo